Why cleanse? Cleansing is probably the most important and significant way we can improve our health and rid ourselves of disease and disharmony on a root level.

There are over 70,000 chemicals being used in commercial production in the United States. The EPA has classified 65,000 of them potentially, if not definitely hazardous to human health. In addition, six thousand new chemicals are tested in the US each week. There are approximately three thousand chemicals that have been intentionally added to food supplies and over 700 in drinking water. This vast increase of chemicals in our environment, food, and medicine has greatly altered the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins. Many scientists believe it is this toxic overload that triggers many of today’s chronic health problems.
In order to regain our health and maintain it, it’s absolutely necessary to do regular cleansing. The major organs responsible for neutralizing and eliminating poisons and toxins are the bowel, liver and kidneys. Between the toxic environment we live in and poor dietary and lifestyle choices, we are constantly bombarding these organs with more than they can handle. These organs get bogged down and lose their ability to eliminate and neutralize toxins effectively. When this happens, toxins, poisons, chemicals and heavy metals begin to build up in the body. They circulate their way through major organs and body systems, including the brain, where they remain stored for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems from minor to more serious diseases and often times death.
So where do we begin cleansing? According to Dr. Richard Schulze, the first and most important step for preventing and healing disease is bowel cleansing. You’ve heard it said “death begins in the colon”. Just ask any coroner, as autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80% with waste material. Colon cancer kills 400% more people than Aids, and actually kills more men and woman than breast cancer or prostate cancer. Medical statistics say that every American will develop some type of colon disease, polyp, tumor or colon cancer in their lifetime. The colon is our primary means of elimination. Without proper elimination, we are subject to these diseases. Many Americans are not eliminating properly due to chronic constipation caused by fiberless diets and unhealthy eating habits. Chronic constipation sets up the perfect environment for parasites to proliferate and disease to take hold. If you are not eliminating two to three times a day, or having a bowel movement after each major meal, then more than likely you are suffering from some form of constipation or sluggish bowel.
Why cleanse the liver? The liver cleanses your blood. That’s its primary job. It works around the clock to cleanse and detoxify your blood and acts as a filter to neutralize and eliminate anything and everything you inhale, consume or absorb. The liver has been referred to as our first line of defense. It literally serves as a barrier between what we take into our body and our blood. It blocks harmful substances from getting into our blood that could literally kill us. The liver is a true super hero. Considering the environment we live in and the foods we consume, our liver is working overtime. In time, our livers become weak and unable to neutralize or filter out toxins properly and these toxins begin to circulate in our systems, poisoning the cells of our body, causing numerous diseases and eventually death. Medical doctors confer that before most diseases develop, the liver was not functioning properly, allowing the disease to ensue.
Doing regular liver cleanses keeps the liver clean and healthy and functioning properly so it can do its job of keeping us clean and healthy and disease free.
While colon and liver cleansing, it’s important to support our kidney’s and adrenals. Drinking a fair amount of water and consuming fresh electrolyte rich juices, such as celery juice and cucumber juice can help support the kidney’s and adrenals. Coconut water is also rich in natural electrolytes and can be very supportive while on a cleanse. The kidneys not only help filter blood, but they are responsible for regulating the physical properties and composition of the blood by monitoring the acid-alkaline balance. Many toxins, including heavy metals, are excreted via urine. It’s important to keep the kidneys healthy and in good working order as they too can get bogged down by toxic overload and unhealthy lifestyles.
Cleansing is a very powerful way to regain health and vitality. I have found Anthony William, The Medical Medium, to have the best information on cleansing the body of toxins, heavy metals, viruses and bacteria that are known to cause the diseases that plague our world today. From minor issues to more serious life threatening conditions, his cleansing protocols can help you restore your health in tremendous ways. The best part is, this cleansing is accessible to everyone. It utilizes natural foods and nutrition, much of which can be found in the produce sections at your local grocery store. Personally, I have healed myself of Hashimoto’s, eczema, psoriasis, digestive issues and more using a combination of acupuncture and Anthony William’s cleanse protocols. They are transformative and life saving. I’ve seen these protocols work miracles in myself, my family and in my patients. You can find Anthony’s books HERE.
Below is a list of common ailments and diseases that have responded remarkably well to cleansing.
Colon Cleanse
• Anxiety • Acid reflux • Crohns • Colitis • Colon cancer • Colon Polyps • Constipation • Depression • Diverticulitis • Gastrointestinal disorders | • Hemorrhoids • Hiatal hernia • Indigestion • Infertility • Irritable bowel syndrome • Insomnia • Rectal cancer • Tumors • Ulcers |
Liver Cleanse
• Anger • Depression • High cholesterol • Heavy metal toxicity | • Hypothyroid • Infertility • PMS • Substance abuse |
Kidney Cleanse
• Diabetes • Kidney stones • High blood pressure | • Prostate problems • Urinary tract infections • Frequent urination |
This is just a partial list of common ailments and diseases. In the alternative world of medicine, there is no such thing as an incurable disease. All disease and disharmony can be overcome, and cleansing is a great place to start. Most people will find their ailments and diseases disappear with just these three simple cleanses. For others, repeated cleanses, and major dietary and lifestyle changes may be in order.
During the cleansing process, there are several tools you can utilize to accelerate your progress. One is a healthy diet. You can’t be in good health if you’re eating foods that do not contain enzymes, life force and nutrients. Dead, processed foods cause mucus, toxins and congestion, all of which lead to disease. The second tool is an exercise regime such as yoga, walking, or whatever you prefer. Physical movement is an important part of cleansing. It encourages organs to function better, eliminate more and it speeds up metabolism. Thirdly, incorporating stress reduction techniques into your life is key to lasting results. Massage, acupuncture, and meditation are great tools to help us relax and reduce stress. Our mental and emotional health plays a huge role in our physical well being and vice versa. We must address both to achieve the greatest success. Taking time to do more of the things you enjoy in life is also important.
A Word on Acupuncture
Acupuncture not only helps in stress reduction, it can aid you through the entire process of cleansing. Acupuncture helps to stimulate body systems to function at optimal rates making cleansing more effective. Often times people will have malfunctioning digestive systems that makes consuming raw foods in the cleansing diet difficult. Acupuncture can be used to strengthen this system so you can proceed more easily and effectively through your cleanse. There may be emotional issues that arise through the course of cleansing, and acupuncture can be used to balance those out, making your cleansing journey less stressful and more enjoyable. Often times our organs are so bogged down, it takes longer for them to respond to cleansing. Acupuncture can “jumpstart” these organs to help them function better, making the cleanse more effective. I find the combination of cleansing and acupuncture to be very effective in treating many disorders. Acupuncture makes the whole process a lot easier and smoother as it works on a core level to improve health.
Remember, all disharmony and disease can be overcome. It just takes a little effort on your part. And now you have the information and tools necessary to move forward. Good luck on your journey, I know you won’t be disappointed!