Water is a fundamental part of our being. Water is ranked as second only to oxygen as essential for life. The average adult body is 55 to 75% water. Everyday your body must replace 2 1/2 quarts of water. The water you drink literally becomes you! Because we are such a large percentage of water, you can only imagine how important water must be to every single function in our body. In order for the blood to properly carry out its many critical tasks, the body must be sufficiently hydrated with “healthy water.” An inadequate intake of water (or consumption of water laced with contaminants) causes the properties of our blood to change and negatively affects virtually every aspect of our health.

Aside from aiding in digestion and absorption of food, water regulates body temperature and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes. Water also cushions joints and protects tissues and organs, including the spinal cord, from shock and damage. Conversely, lack of water or dehydration can be the cause of many ailments.
A mere 2% drop in our body water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing. Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue.
Medical studies show that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in most people. It’s estimated that more than 2/3 of all people don’t drink enough water and suffer some degree of dehydration. The result is that a large part of our population operates at only 70 to 75% of their capacity, or less. Unfortunately, most people turn to stimulants like caffeine and sugar to boost their energy level, rather than water, which is what our body needs to produce natural energy. Caffeine, alcohol, and sugar are all strong diuretics that cause the body to lose water, resulting in a further loss of natural energy production and eventually leading to a dependency on artificial energy.
Adequate water intake is dependent on activity level and weight of a person. Generally, 8 glasses of water a day (64 oz) is a good rule of thumb. To be more concise, you can divide your weight (in pounds) by 2. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you would need to drink 75 ounces of water each day.
Chronic Dehydration has been associated with the following disorders:
• Acne • Accelerated Aging • Acid Alkaline Imbalance • Allergies • Angina • Arthritis • Asthma • Bladder Cancer • Breast Cancer • Chronic Fatigue • Colon Cancer • Constipation • Cracked Lips • Dark Under Eye Circles • Depression • Diabetes • Digestive Disorders • Dizziness • Dry Skin | • Eczema • Fatigue • Gastritis • Headaches • Heartburn • High Cholesterol • Joint Pain or Problems • Kidney Stones • Kidney Disease • Loss of Skin Elasticity • Mood Swings • Morning Sickness • Muscle Cramps • Muscle Weakness • Nausea • Pain • Rheumatism • Urinary Tract Infections • Weight gain |