Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy is a therapeutic technique where a small amount of natural medicine is injected into specific acupuncture points on the body. This technique combines the benefits of acupuncture and homeopathic medicine to provide relief from pain and other health conditions.
One of the main benefits of Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy is that it delivers natural medication directly to the affected area, providing fast and effective relief. This technique is also minimally invasive with little to no side effects.
Traumeel is the most commonly used homeopathic injectable and has shown comparable effectiveness to NSAIDs. Current research suggests that Traumeel may be considered as an anti-inflammatory agent that is at least as effective and appears to be better tolerated than NSAIDs which carry side effects such as gastritis, myocardial infarctions, hypertension, heart failure and liver damage.
Homeopathic injections are a great way to live a pain-free, healthy life without having to use western medicine and pharmaceuticals as a first option. These natural remedies do not pose any side effects because they use only botanical minerals or ingredients.
If you’re looking for a way to minimize your pain and discomfort or if you desire to improve your overall energy, decrease stress or anxiety, look no further. Homeopathic injections are a safe and effective option!
Menu of Injectables Used in Our Clinic
Physical pain, injuries or trauma, swollen painful joints, sprains, low back pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, neck and shoulder pain, knee pain, inflamed tissue, acute or chronic pain and inflammation. Great for post operative pain and inflammation. Helps injured athletes recover quickly after surgery. A natural alternative to cortisone shots or anti-inflammatories.
A very effective remedy for treating depression, anxiety and stress. Very helpful for exhaustion, fatigue, constant tiredness, weakness, and nervous system imbalances.
Excellent for extreme fatigue. A feel good remedy that works very well, is a great add on and mixes well with other homeopathic injectables. It helps promote the utilization of oxygen.
ENGYSTOL “Nature’s Flu Shot”
Reduces severity and duration of symptoms of a viral infection. Reduces symptoms of early stage cold/flu and boosts the immune system. Doesn’t react against other medications. Recommended for: Infections with fever, flu/cold, viral Infections, RSV, asthma, shingles, bells palsy, and covid.
Great remedy for all nerve pain related issues such as neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatic pain, arthritic complaints, and intervertebral disk complaints. GELSEMIUM Great for headache, stiff neck, whiplash, vertigo, eye pain, myocarditis, tight band around head feeling and menstrual cramps.
All Spasms & Cramps: All organ spasms, stomach & abdomen cramps, uterus & bladder cramps, menstrual cramps, coughs, hamstrings, calf cramps, any muscle cramps including low back spasms. This remedy works really well and is a favorite among injectables as it combines well with other injectables such as Traumeel.